Peperiksaan kelayakan untuk mengamalkan farmasi, merupakan salah satu syarat untuk pendaftaran sebagai ahli farmasi. Sebenarnya pelajar farmasi tahun tiga , tahun terakhir tahun 4 dan pelajar yang dah bergraduasi dari program yang diiktiraf oleh LFM.
Untuk list program farmasi dalam negara and luar negara yg diiktiraf oleh LFM boleh merujuk kepada https://www.pharmacy.gov.my/v2/ms/entri/senarai-ijazah-farmasi-diiktiraf-lembaga-farmasi-malaysia.html
So saya selalu advice junior yang tahun 3 dah boleh siap siap bersedia , beli buku forensic, daftar LFM untuk mengambil exam forensic. Exam forensic nie adalah free, cara senang jer download borang dari https://www.pharmacy.gov.my/v2/sites/default/files/document-upload/borang-permohonan-pkumf-april-2017.pdf dan hantar kepada LFM , atleast 2 bulan sebelum exam forensic. Sebab bahagian LFM perlu masa untuk process borang.
Saya study oversea (Jiran Malaysia ja) tiada org inform bahawa kita kena ambik exam dulu baru boleh daftar PRP. Itu pon saya baru diinform bila saya nak daftar LFM hari tu. Terpaksa la saya tunggu beberapa bulan sebab masa sy graduate hari tu dah terlepas dah pendaftaran exam forensic. Rugi jer masa. So kawan kawan jangan mengikut jejak saya.
LIST PRP POSTING BOLEH RUJUK KE https://www.pharmacy.gov.my/v2/en/content/list-training-premises-provisionally-registered-pharmacist-prp.html
Format Peperiksaan :
- 100 soalan Multiple Choice Question dalam bentuk open book.
- Tempoh jawab soalan dalam tempoh 3 jam 30 minutes
- System minus mark (0.25 ditolak bagi setiap jawapan yg salah), tapi bagi soalan yang tidak dijawab tiada markah yg akan ditolak.
Berdasarkan experience saya, nak lulus peperiksaan ni sebenarnya senang jer sebab peperiksaan ni adalah open book.
1 . CEPAT DAN TEPAT. Tidak perlu untuk hafal buku tu, hanya perlu tahu mana nak dapatkan informasi dengan cepat. Can try to scan through whole book so awak boleh agak agak kandungan dia. Caranya adalah dengan tandakan setiap bab dengan label or sticky label supaya senang dan cepat nak selak.
2. JAWAB DENGAN SMART. Kalo rasa soalan yg terlalu complicated , mungkin ambik masa lama untuk cari baik bulatkan dulu. Jawab yg mana yg senang , soalan straight forward sikit. Lepas habis jawab baru selak balik yg mana awk tanda tu.
Soalan forensic exam nie jahat sikt , dia tricky.
3. TELITI. Sebab mungkin ayat yg sama tapi tertukar satu perkataan boleh tukat maksud seluruh ayat. Yg paling common diorg tukar adalah farmasi berdaftar dengan farmasi berlesen. Perkatan dua ni berbezaan sangat besar. So kena berhati hati , teliti , baca ayat tu sebutir demi sebutir.
4. JAWAB BIAR BETUL, SALAH BAIK TAK JAWAB. Satu lagi tip, kalau tiada 100% gengaman pasti jawapan betul untuk soalan itu betul, daripada kena tolak markah sebab salah jawaban baik jangan jawab.
Yang nie berdasarkan kiraan saya cara dapatkan markah lulus 50%. Atleast kena jawab 60 soalan yang awak yakin betul. Dalam 60 soalan tu, awk cuma dibenarkan salah 8 soalan jer.
Dalam 60 soalan : (Jawapan Betul x 52 soalan ) 52% - (Jawapan Salah x 8 soalan ) 2% = 50 %
Tapi sebaiknya jawab sebanyak yg mungkin, jawab lebih dari 65 soalan dan ke atas , soalan yg yakin betul sahaja. MEMANG DAH BOLEH GUARANTEEE LULUS LA BRO AND SIS.
*Method ini tidak apply kepada yg tidak boleh jawab min 52 soalan yg yakin betol.
5. SUSUNAN SOALAN Satu lagi , soalan dalam exam forensic adalah tersusun. Yg saya maksudkan adalah, soalan akan ikut buku contoh 1 -30 adalah Malaysian Laws , 31 -60 Dangerous Drug Act 1952..etc. Jangan dh mention soalan dari Dangerous Drug ACt 1952, pastu sibuk pulak awak nak pergi selak Good Governance for Medicine. Kalo betul tak jumpa skip jer, kemungkinan cuma satu
6. BUAT PASS YEAR. PALING PENTING ,PALING BERKESAN, BANYAK MEMBANTU. Buat soalan pass year, try dapatkan dari senior/ kawan kawan yg baru habis exam ka.
Sorry kalo saya kadang kadang lambat reply, maklum la PRP life teribble and micerable.
Cadangan saya, awk baca dulu , buat label dah pastu boleh try practise speed awk buat pass year. Boleh set timer tengok berapa lama digunakan untuk satu soalan. 3 jam 30 minutes untuk 100 MCQ, agak agak 1 question dalam 2 -3 minutes. Awak kena set masa supaya jangan membazirkan terlalu banyak masa pada satu soalan.
Satu lagi, bila jawab pass year awak boleh agak agak pattern soalan tu and cara jawab. Ada senior yg bagitau mungkin ade soalan repeat dari pass year akan keluar. Tapi masa sy exam hari tu ade beberapa soalan dari pass year , tak banyak pon, agak agak dalam 2 -4 soalan jer.
Rujukan Untuk Peperiksaan
1. Malaysian Laws on Poison Sale of Drug
2. Dangerous Drug Act 1952
3. Code of Conduct for Pharmacists and Bodies Corporate
4. Malaysian National Medicine Policy 2012
5. Good Governance for Medicine
Antara 5 buku nie, yg paling penting adalah Malaysian Laws on Poison Sale of Drug and Dangerous Drug Act 1952. 2 buku nie yg banyak diaorg tanya.
Kalo korang nak tanya pendapat saya, kena ke beli 5 buku tu. Bagi saya yg 2 buku tu boleh beli , yg lain boleh download jer dari internet. Ingat , jangan try tangan gatal pergi conteng buku or buat note kecik dlm buku. Masa saya exam hari tu, ada syarat bahawa buku yg bawak masuk ke dewan peperiksaan kena yg bersih dan tiada contengan. Sy ade highlight sikit tapi leps jer la, tak pasti pulak regulation sekarang. Baik double comfirm dengan yg baru habis exam hari tu.
Lembaga Farmasi ade tutorial sehari utk ajar tips untuk jawab soalan, seorang kena bayar x silap saya RM 100++. Saya tak pergi la tutorial tu sebab saya ade part time hari. Tapi feedback dari kawan kata sebenarnya diaorg ajarla sikit cara jawab , tip menjawab, ade section jawab soalan pass year. Kawan saya kata okay la, x ingat sangat apa yg dia ceramah panjang didepan , tapi slide yg dia bagi masa tutorial tu sangat berguna.
Saya x pergi pon tutorial tapi dengan 6 tips di atas , saya boleh lulus ^...^ (Walaopun masa tu saya kerja part time di Hospital private, shift malam lagi tu) Conclusion, saya BOLEH, and saya pasti kawan kawan pon boleh asal korg ade effort, kena rajin buat pass year and practice speed jawab, and kena berhati hati.
Jangan stress mai senyum sikit |
Harap tips nie membantu kawan kawan. Mana la tau kan nanti dapat posting PRP di tempat saya, boleh la saya berlagak senior nak buli lah sikit *hihi*
#peperiksaanfarmasi Malaysia 2019
#Forensic exam Malaysia
#all the best
THANKS FOR SHARING. By any chance you are selling all your books?
Sorry i ody pass it to my junior bah
Sorry i ody pass it to my junior
Hi! Thank you for sharing such a useful post for those who are going to sit for the forensic exam! That's really helped!:D I am going to sit for the exam in November. May I ask do you still keep any past year papers with you? Do you mind share it with me at you convenience? Thank you very very much.
Hi, can i get ur email? So i can send to u ^...^
Orite,sent. i got it from my super senior hopefully its help.
Hello, thank you for your blog post, I found it really helpful in figuring out what to do after coming back from pharmacy studies overseas... will it be alright for me to get the pass years from you as well? My email is yimintham@gmail.com :)
Sure :)
Sent. hopefully its helpppp π
Dear Emy thank you so much for sharing the above. I decided to come back with my family due to my father age. May I please kindly ask you a favour so that I can get the past year questions from you? Appreciate it and owe you one! My email is Limbw0310@gmail.com. Many thanks and kind regards BW
Hi! Thanks for sharing your experience here! It is very helpful especially for someone like me who just finished my studies overseas and knows little about the exam. I'm sitting for the exam this November. Will it be alright for me to get the pass year papers from you too? My email is leeweipheng0102@gmail.com. Many thanks!
Hi, thanks for your sharing. My exam will be in next month, by any chance you still have the past years paper with you? It will be really helpful for me. Thank you in advance.
All the best for ur exam, will send by today after work . Hopefully its help
All the best for ur exam, will send by today after work . Hopefully its help
Hi i get ur email so i can send to u
Hi thanks for the sharing..may I get the past year papers from you if you are willing to share it..It will be so helpful..my email is shalnidewi.9995@gmail.com
Thank you in advance.
Hi, thank you for the useful post, can I get the past year from you, It will be a great help thank you my email is faeebilah@gmail.com
Best of luck in your PRP :)
Thank you so much for you sharing! Can I get the past year from you please? Here’s my email: evelynyapyap@gmail.com
Hi kindly check ur mail . Sorry for late, cos i dint check my blog recently π
Hi kindly check ur mail . Sorry for late, cos i dint check my blog recently π all the best guys
Hi kindly check ur mail . Sorry for late, cos i dint check my blog recently π hope it can help πall the best guys
Hi Emy! I have read your post and it was really reallyyyy helpful. I'm going to take the exam this year. Is it possible if you send the past years through my email? My email is fatinnabilahroslaile98@gmail.com . Thanks!! :D
hye amy. i read your post and feel eagerly want to pass the exam. it would be much appreciated if you could email me the past year questions . thank you very much in advance sis ;) my email is
Hye amy..can i get the pass year questions cz im desperately need to pass the exam...tqsm in advance..below is my email..
Tq sis.. Post yg sgt membantu. Saya betul2 perlu lulus exam kali ni.. Harap sgt sis dpt email kt saya past year exam. Tqvm.. Ni email saya. aishah0690@gmail.com
Hi, can I get the past year and answer from you. My email is alicia931015@live.com
Hi, can I get the pass yr questions from u? Thank you very much . My email is leonyahui1998@gmail.com
Sorry for the late reply cause recently i dint check on my blog. Too busy with my clinical attachment.dun worry by today i will send the pass year ya ✌
Hi can get the pass year and answer from you. Thanks for sharing your experience. My email hanisredzlan@gmail.com
Hi Emy. I'm glad I'd found your blog. Enjoyed reading your post. I'm glad if you can send me a copy of the past years' forensic exam at this email mspanda041@gmail.com. Your help is very much appreciated. thank you!!
Done sent, Kindly check ur mail ya. Alll the best and good luck
Hello, i am sitting for second time for this exam. Really2 hope to pass. Would u mind of sharing the past years paper with me. Can just send to ilyahamizah@gmail.com
Hai Emy. Next week I'll be sitting for this exam. This post really help me to prepare myself for the exam. Can I get the past years so that I can practice it. This is my email haniey_nur@yahoo.com
Thank you for your time Emy. I really appreciate it. I wish the best for you ❤️
Hai emy. Me too will be sitting for this exam next week. Please kindly send me the past years which will be really helpful for me. This is my email id kevin_raj@rocketmail.com
Thanks alot in advance.
Hi! Can you send me the past year and answer too? ninabilah@gmail.com
Thank you and have a nice day :)
Hi one of my friend did gave feedback the mcq answer wasnt 100% correct. π sorry ya if the mcq question did mak3 u guys confuse
Helloooo! Can I get all the related documents you have for the exam too? Text books too if possible. Haha. Please kindly email to me whenever you have a chance to do so. abqaryaiman94@gmail.com. Thanks!
Hello, would u mind to send all the past year questions and answer to me as well? Here's my email crystalkekeling98@gmail.com Thank you in advance!
hye emy .. can i have the pass year too ? thank you girl, here is my email asyrafshahari.96@gmail.com
Hi Emy, may I have the past years questions please? My email is pharmacist2207@gmail.com
Hi Emy, I am sitting the forensic exam in March next year. Would you be able to send the past year papers to me please? Also, if you have other learning materials for the parathion of the exam, could you also attach them to the email? Many thanks! this is my email address: deniseclaire_tan@hotmail.com :))
Hi Emy. Many thanks for your tips. I am planning to do the exam next session. Please e mail me the past papers if possible. I would be very grateful. Many thanks. Email ctrishy@yahoo.com.hk
Hi Emy. Thanks for yr tips. May i have the past years questions please? thank you. email: angelinecfc98@icloud.com
Thank you, your article is very good
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hello. Thank you for sharing!! Can I get the past year exam papers?
My email is fwks426@yahoo.com
Hi Emy, I will be sitting for forensic exam on March. Can I have all your past year questions and answers please? Thanks... johnsonling@live.com.my
Hi. Tqvm for your sharing. Can i have all the past year questions and answers please? Here is my email. aishah0690@gmail.com
Tq again
Hi. Tqvm for your sharing. Can i have all the questions n answers please? Here is my email. aishah0690@gmail.com
Tq again
Hey Emy, thx so much for ur sharing... may I hv a copy of the past year questions tgt with the answers too? Here’s my email louiseying97@hotmail.com. Thx in advance
Hi. Tqvm for your sharing.I will be seating for forensic exam this March.May I have a copy of past year question and the answer? Here is my email athirahhusna31@gmail.com. Thank you
Hi. Thank you so much for your sharing. It really helps me a lot when i do not know how to study for this upcoming exam on March. Would you kindly send the past year questions for me as well? My email address is nicolephebe@gmail.com. Thank you so much!!
Hye... it was a really good tips for a final year students like me. Can u please send me the past year questions and answers to my email? My email address will be suthashini2794@gmail.com
Thank you so muc
Hi! Thank you so much for all the informations! And also to aid with my studies better, can you please send me the past year questions and answers to my email?
My email is katietan.yihui@gmail.com
Hi, thanks for sharing the tips :) Could you send me the past year papers pls? My email is yeapwenli@gmail.com
Hi there. Can you please email me the pass year questions at izazi19@gmail.com :)
Hi Emy, thank you for sharing all the tips and I appreciate all your hardwork.
May I have a copy of the past year questions tgt with the answers too? My email is edmundchua970227@gmail.com. Thx in advance
Hi Emy. Nice sharing :) I am sitting for Forensic Exam(March session). May I have the copy of past year questions and also the answers in case you have them? Here is my email --> amyliadanny@gmail.com
Hye~ can I get the pass year questions from you? Thank you very much.. This is my email smule.fun31@gmail.com. thanks again~
Hi, could you share me the past year paper with the answer to me? Kindly send to my email veron0622@gmail.com . Thank you
Hii~ my forensic exam will be on the 11th so, can you share your past years with me? My email is johnnykoay2@hotmail.com thankss~
Hi.really Enjoyed reading your post. I'm glad if you can send me a copy of the past years' forensic exam at this email diyanafadil@gmail.com Your help is very much appreciated. thank you!!
Hi thanks for the tips! Could you please kindly email the past year papers to michellechua_92@hotmail.com?
Thank you!
Hi thank you so much for the tips! It is really helpful. Would you mind sharing the past year paper to me? my email is chocolate-ying@hotmail.com. Thank you so much for your help! Really appreciate it!
Hiii. Thanks alot for the information. Can u pls send me the past years thru my email shanu_6781pearl@yahoo.com
Hi Thank you for sharing, could you send me the past year questions? thanks a lot. Here's my email viz_liew@yahoo.com
Hye..can you sent to me the passyear questions
.here is my email...shafis_khan@yahoo.com...
I hve seated the exam 3 times already..still did not pass..hope u can help me
Hi, thanks for sharing! Can I have the past year paper as well? Thank you so much! My email is peihong97@hotmail.com
Hi thank you for sharing the tips. Can I have the past year paper? This is my email ziramdsaad@gmail.com. Thank you
Hye. thanks for the tips. can i have the past year paper?. this is my email sitiaisyahdanil123@gmail.com. thank you in advance
Hey, thanks for sharing. Can I have the past year questions too, hareen96@yahoo.com
Hi, Thanks for the info, can i have the pass year questions too ?
my email address is selinalsy960212@gmail.com
Haii Emy :) thanks for the support !! Most appreciated. I would like to get the past year paper too. Would you mind sharing it at rajesri22@gmail.com .. thank you for your time :) all the best to you too π€
Hi, did you still have any pass questions?
Hi emy, thank you so much for the sharing. Its really motivated me. can I also have the past year question ? my emel is nuraisyahh07@gmail.com. Thank you in advanced
Hello Emy, thank you for your tips. Would you mind sharing the past year papers at hui_peng118@hotmail.com please, thanks (:
Hello Emy, Thank you sharing your tips. Can I also have the past year question ? My email is joshch43@gmail.com Thank you
Hi Emy,
Thank you for sharing. I am going to take the exam in Sep. I would like to ask if you can share the past year papers and answers. My email is womna876@hotmail.com. Just to be clear, can I write notes on the sticky label? Many thanks.
Hi,Emy,Thank you for sharing all the useful tips,I really appreciate if you could send me the pass year questions,my email is salvatarochoon@gmail.com.Thanks again.
Hi amy, thank you so much for the sharing. Can i also have the questions? Here is my email : syazlinsyahiraa@gmail.com
Hi Emy, thank you for sharing the useful tips. I would like to have a copy of past year question, here's my email: aisyahzaki98@gmail.com THANK YOU Emy :)
Hi Emy, appreciate your content here on shedding a better light on this. Could I have a copy of the past year questions too? Please do send it to my email at yvonnelee.ylcs@gmail.com Appreciate your kind help, Emy! Thanks!!
Hello, thank you so much for sharing your experience and tips. Can I have a copy of the past year questions as well? My email is huiting.ht97@gmail.com
anyone want the link can direct whatsapp me at 01139776543
ive got my own version of pyq from kkm too!
Hi Emy, thanks for sharing your tips on passing this exam. If it's not a bother, could I receive a copy of the past year papers to practice on, please? My email address is kaylin41@yahoo.com. Thanks so very much for your help!
Hi Emy! Thanks for the tips and really helped me before I start studying for the exam! Would really appreciate if you could send the past years to my e-mail - @lisellechung24@gmail.com . Thank you so much! And all the best to you!
Hi Emy! Thanks for the tips ! Would really appreciate if you could send me the past papers to my email cndy0214@hotmail.com so that I can practice for the upcoming exam. Thank you so much !!
Thank you for sharing your tips with us Emy. You have no idea hiw many lives you just helped. May God bless you always! Would really appreciate if you could send the past years to my e-mail - hanisahjohaari@gmail.com . Thank you so much! Have a nice day!
Thank you for generous tips , I also interested with the past year question paper would you mind to share it to via email : nutlovenadcrazy@gmail.com
Hi! Can you share with me the Past Year Questions? My email: nfafeeqa_eq@yahoo.com.my
Thanks for sharing your tips Emy. I would be really appreciate if you could send the past years paper to my email: up752743@myport.ac.uk . Thank you so much!
Hi Emy, many thanks to your generous tips as they really did help me a lot. Meanwhile, I would like to ask if you could share the past year questions? My email is chengyee128@gmail.com . Thanks in advance! Good day!
Hi , would you mind to share the past year at my email nurnadzirahzulkarnain@gmail.com
Hi, thank you for sharing it. I would like to ask if you could share the past year questions to me? My email id is malarmathi2698@gmail.com. Thank you
Hi, thank you for sharing your tips to pass forensic exam. I would like to ask if you could share past year questions to me? I had failed 2 times in forensic exam and I really need some help by doing questions in order for me to pass the exam. My email id is tzeyee.stephanie@gmail.com. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Hi, thank you for sharing your tips to pass forensic exam. I would like to ask if you could share past year questions to me? I had failed 2 times in forensic exam and I really need some help by doing questions in order for me to pass the exam. My email id is tzeyee.stephanie@gmail.com. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Hi, thank you for sharing your tips to pass forensic exam. I would like to ask if you could share past year questions to me? I had failed 2 times in forensic exam and I really need some help by doing questions in order for me to pass the exam. My email id is tzeyee.stephanie@gmail.com. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Hi emy, if you don't mind, can you share the past year question with me too?
This is my email id norfaezzah96@gmail.com
Thank you in advance :)
Hi emy, i will take the exam this year. If you don't mind can share the past year questions?
This is my email iwanie35@gmail.com
Have a nice day, thank you.
Hi, if you got the past year hope you don't mind to share with me. This is my email iwanie35@gmail.com
Hi, if you got the past year hope you don't mind to share with me. This is my email iwanie35@gmail.com thank you
Hi, your sharing was so helpful! Can I have the past year questions with an answer? My email address is joicelynyee@yahoo.com or joicelynsingyee@gmail.com . Thank ya=)
Dear Emy thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is very helpful. I will be very grateful if you can share the past year questions. My email is ummutamayyuz98@gmail.com. Thank you very much :)
Hello senior, can I get the past year papers from you? My email is lokyh1234@gmail.com
Hello senior, can I get the past year papers from you? My email is lokyh1234@gmail.com
Hello senior, can I get the past year papers from you? My email is lokyh1234@gmail.com
Hello senior, can I get the past year papers from you? My email is lokyh1234@gmail.com
hi! thank you for your tips. it was very helpful for me :) Btw, can i get a copy of past year a questions and answers? email me at arinah.faqihah@yahoo.com . Your help is very much needed. thank you have a nice day !
Hello Emily,
I just seen ur blog. I hv recently back from oversea. Not too sure where can I get the past year papers from?
Can we get it from online for free? I appreciate your help! Thanks
Here is my email: kadenceyeo@gmail.com
hello Emily!
Thank you so much for sharing all this information. By any chance can you email me the past year papers? This would really help me a lot. I couldn't search for any past year papers in other websites. :( Hope to receive your email soon. Thank you so much!
My email is: swift.yeelim99@gmail.com
Hi Emily,
Thank you so much for sharing all these valuable information and offer to share past year papers! It’s a huge challenge to find past year papers online. Please could you send the past year papers to shirlynung7991@msn.com if you don’t mind? Thank you so much in advance!
Hey Emily, it’s nice knowing what to prepare for the paper considering I was foreign trained and have no clue about the real practice apart from the reading the books recommended.
May I ask if you can share the past year papers? It would be lovely if I can get a hang off it of what the paper like.
I would appreciate lots.
Thank you Emily
Hi Emy, thanks for the useful tips! Can you email the past year papers to mikkeyaplh98@gmail.com ? pleaseee
Thank you!
Hi Emy! Thanks for the tips ! I really, really appreciate them. I am sitting for the pharmacy law exams in February 2021. Could you do me a favour by sharing the past year questions to my email at durgadevi95@gmail.com ? Thank you so much Emy! And wish me luck!
Hi Emily, thank you for sharing the useful tips! My exam is actually in 3 weeks time, would you please kindly send me the past year papers to my email address at ymingkhor95@hotmail.com. Thank you in advance Emily! :)
Hi Emily! Thank you for your sharing and tips, could you send me the past year questions? Thank you in advance Emily π My email is shiareum@gmail.com
Hi Emily! Thank you for your sharing and tips, could you send me the past year questions? Really thank you to share your info my email address is wongjack990517@gmail.com
Hi Emily! Really thank you for your sharing and tips, could you send me the past year questions? It will be a big help for me. Thank you in advance Emily π My email is khorkaichien123@gmail.com. Btw I really feel appreciate and happy for able to this post.
Can I get the past years questions too?
Hiii thank youu for this helpful sharing... can you please send the past years to my email hanisahjohaari@gmail.com
Dear Emy, can you please send the past years to my email? cloudyskiesandgreymist@gmail.com
Your help will be appreciated.
Hi Emy! Love your post :) can you send me some of your past year papers to my email, would appreciate it �� my email: violetdep7@gmail.com thank you!
Hi Emyjia, saya nak minta soalan past year boleh? terima kasih ya Emyjia
email sy sitiaminahothman1998@gmail.com
hi, can i get the past year questions too?
Hii, may i get the past question too? Really need it. π
Hi Emy, I will be sitting for forensic exam. Can I have all your past year questions and answers please? Thanks... Email: gash.maduck@yahoo.com
Hi, thank you very much for your informative sharing. Could you please share with me your past year questions? Thanks in advance. My email is zloxixiz123@gmail.com
Hi, can I get all the past year questions?
Hye, thank you for the useful post, can I get the past year questions from you, It will be a great help thank you.... my email is yuquevicc@gmail.com
Best of luck in your PRP :)
Hi Emily, thank you very much for your sharing, they are very useful tips. Do you mind sharing the past year exam with me as I am taking the exam next week? Here is my email: dapaztan@gmail.com Thank you very much.
Hii thank you very much for your useful tips.if you dont mind can you share the past years with me. My email is @shahirahnuzulazmi@gmail.com Thank you so much
Hi. Thank you for your tips.if you don't mind, can you share with me the pass year forensic exam? This is my email masi.work96@gmail com
Hello emy. Can I get the past year questions? My email is myskincaremylove@gmail.com
Hi Emy, thank you so much for the sharing. It really motivated me. can I also have the past year's question? My email is shuchi.tan24@gmail.com. Thank you in advance. :)
Hii Emy, I'll be sitting for my exam next month and thank you for the helpful information. Can I request for the pass year's questions too? My email is minliii2602@gmail.com. Thank you so much!!
Hi Emy, thanks for sharing! Can you send me the past year questions? My email ytkhor11@gmail.com. Thank you!
Hi Emy, just saw this great sharing of yours. Would you mind sharing the past year questions? My email is ewemutiara@yahoo.com. Thank you very much. Best wishes
Hi, may I get the past year questions from you guys??
Hi Emy thank you for sharing these information about the forensic exam!! Would you mind sharing the past year questions to me please? That would be a great help. My email is ongvalerie95@gmail.com
Thank you in advance!!!
Hello Emy π Thank you so much for your sharing and I’ve been lurking to all of your posts π I will be taking my exam soon, I’ll deeply appreciate if you can share the past year papers with me for practice. nurwawa1710@gmail.com is my email. Thank you in advance Emy π€
Hello, can I get the past papers from you guys as well? I'll be taking the exam in June. My email is rachel0696@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance ^^
Hello, can anyone send me the past year papers as well? I will be taking my exam in June. Thanks in advance.
Email: teresa_loh95@hotmail.com
Any help is appreciated.
hi Emy, thank you for your tips on passing the pharmacy forensic exam. It is really helpful! I would really appreciate if you or anyone here can share past year paper to me please?
my email is yiminwooi@gmail.com
many thanks
Hello may I get the past year questions too? This is my email : kcsoh8386@gmail.com thank you !!
Hi Emy, I came across your amazing blog whilst preparing for my exam next March. Do you mind sharing the past year papers? Here’s my email suriaty_ali@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance π
Hii Emy, I'm preparing for my law exam next March. Can I get the past year papers from you, if u are willing to share. This is my email ID nanthini211kuppan@gmail.com .Thank you so much in advance.
Hi, thanks for sharing these tips. By any chance you still have the past years paper with you? Can I get them from you through email? Thanks in advance.
norfaezzah96@gmail.com thank you so much
Hi Amy, Can i get the pass year question from you.? My email is ypho0004@student.monash.edu
Hi Emy
Are you able to share the past year exam questions?
My email is kkphoon@outlook.com. TQVM
Hii, can i also get the past year question too?? My email : ammarsauap1494@gmail.com
Hi Emy, thanks for your tips. Can I get the past year question from you too? Thank you so much! My email: iamgilko1021@gmail.com
Hi can i have past year questions as well ? My email is syafiqark@gmail.com, thankyou so muchππΌ
hello can i get the past years with answers? this is my email fatinkamaliaz@gmail.com
Hi Emy! Thank you so much for your tips! It has helped me a lot!! Is it possible if I could also get a copy of the past year papers with answer from you? My email address is carmenhong28@gmail.com Thank you in advance!
Hi Emy, thank you for the tips, do you still have past year questions with you? Here is my email: heyoisolo@hotmail.com , thank you
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